PSYC 213Cognition
Winter 2023
Sheldon, Signy
3 credits
Faculty of Science


Where do thoughts come from? What is the nature of thought, and how does it arise in the mind and the brain? Cognition is the study of human information processing, and we will explore topics such as memory, attention, categorization, decision making, intelligence, philosophy of mind, and the mind-as computer metaphor.

  • Winter
  • 2 lectures, 1 conference
  • Prerequisite: One previous course in Psychology.
This course is a prerequisite for 16 courses.

Lec 001Sheldon, Signy

ARTS W-120; LEA 132
Full: +1
Tuesday: 8:35 AM - 9:55 AM
Thursday: 8:35 AM - 9:55 AM